How can we get public liability insurance in the UK?

Public liability insurance is a very important tool for protecting your company. It covers your business against injury, death,and damage to property on or around your premises or as a result of connection with your business. It is one of the essential forms of UK business insurance and you really cannot afford to be without it.

What is the need to get public liability cover?
When you run a business, you can never be too careful. You can never know when tragedy strikes or when an accident would happen. You never really know what mood a client would walk in and what would upset or injure them. In any of these scenarios, you will land up with legal action taken against you and a hefty fine due. A public liability cover insures you against damage to person and property and any legal or compensation fine. Having a public liability cover is very essential, as it is a safety net. It is a backup when you need one and does not have anyone else to rely on. Imagine a scenario where your employees leave a piece of furniture on the floor and one of your customer trips on it. If you are lucky, this would lead to a hefty compensation fine without a legal action, but in most cases might lead to a legal suit against you. If the case goes to court, it will be hard for you to fight it on your own. You would either need deep pockets, outside aid to fight it. IF you have public liability insurance, you would not need to worry about it, as it would handle the compensation claims and legalities.

If you have run a business with people working under you, you would also need to take an employer’s liability insurance policy. This insures you against the compensation or legal claims made against you by your own employees.

How much would it cost?
There is not a standard amount for a public insurance policy. It depends on a couple of factors like the risks associated with your business, your business size, your claims history and the amount of cover you might need. The first thing to do would be to discuss your business with insurance companies and ask for quotes. Once you receive the quotes. You can decide and discuss the practical details.

Now, the most obvious question you would have would be how would you get a public liability insurance?

Most insurance companies offer a flexible solution for you that would suit your business needs. The easiest would be to go the company’s site and apply online. When you apply online, you would be required to fill a survey and which would attempt to understand your needs and the risks your business poses, the amount you would need and so on. It is incredibly easy to apply for a public liability insurance and even though it is voluntary, it is highly advisable to get one.


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